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How to wear different types of earrings

Posted by Beyond The Rack on 2021 Aug 18th

Trendy earrings - how to wear them

Wear your earrings with style with our trendy tips!

Earrings can make any outfit more stylish and polished as well as make statements. This versatile jewelry can be found in countless designs, materials, and colors to match your everyday looks. Learn when and how to wear different types of earrings.

How to Wear Ear Cuffs

Ear cuffs are designed to ‘hug’ the curve of the ear. They can easily complement delicate stud earrings or a trendy pair of hoops.

How to Put Them On

Learning how to put on ear cuff jewelry is simple. Pull the two ends apart and slid over the thinnest part of cartilage on the ear. Move the cuff down to the preferred position and rotate the ends towards the inner ear.

Best Occasion to Wear Them

Rock an ear cuff on your next date night or girl’s night out. This casual jewelry option can give you an edgy look perfect for parties, nightclubs, and other high-energy events.

Outfit that Match

Wear an ear cuff with a black pair of fitted jeans, a jewel-toned top, and a form-fitting leather jacket. Slide on a pair of heels and you’re ready for an evening of fun.

close up of a ear cuff

How to Wear Hoop Earrings

If you want to know how to wear statement earrings, grab yourself a pair of hoops. This classic jewelry has remained a fashion statement for decades.

How to Put Them On

To put on hoop earrings, insert the post into your pierced ear. Depending on the type of hoop, push a post back onto the post at the back of the ear or push the closure into a closed position.

Best Occasion to Wear Them

Hoop earrings are highly versatile and simple styles can be worn every day. More elegant hoops, such as those containing gemstones or pearls, are ideal earrings for formal wear.

Outfit that Match

Contemplating a hoop earrings outfit? Try a boho-inspired look with oversized polished hoops, headwrap, distressed denim shorts, and a neutral-colored flowy top.

view of a pair of Goldtone & Dual Sided Clear Swarovski Crystal Everyday Hoop Earrings

How to Wear Threader Earrings

Backed with light flexible chains, threader earrings thread through a piercing and dangle below the ear. They can also be woven through several piercings for a more dimensional look.

How to Put Them On

Learning how to wear threader earrings takes just a few moments. Hold the post in front of the piercing and gently push it through. Grab the post behind the ear and continue pulling it through until it has reached the desired length.

Best Occasion to Wear Them

Threader earrings look dainty and elegant, making them the perfect choice for formal dinners and similar events.

Outfit that Match

Wear a pair of refined threader earrings with your favorite little black dress. Pull your hair back away from your face to allow the jewelry to be seen.

view of a pair of Peach Freshwater Pearl Threader Earrings

How to Wear Stud Earrings

From tiny diamonds to solid gold variations, there is a stud earring that suits nearly every woman.

How to Put Them On

Stud earrings typically consist of a small post that is inserted into the ear and secured with a flat earring back that slides onto the stud from the back of the ear.

Best Occasion to Wear Them

Choose stud earrings as your everyday earring look. Look stylish while wearing them to school, work, or just out to do errands.

Outfit that Match

Stud earrings are suitable for year-round wear but look especially cute in the winter. Wear a pair of studs with an oversized knit sweater, black pants or jeans, and your favorite cold-weather boots.

view of a pair of Goldtone & Clear Swarovski Crystal Halo Stud Earrings

How to Wear Chandelier/Statement Earrings

Chandelier earrings get their name from sparkly chandelier lamps. These statement pieces can range from fancy crystal options to simple drop earrings.

How to Put Them On

Chandelier earrings can be found with several different types of closures, such as wire hooks, studs, or lever backs. Regardless of the type, the post goes into the front of the piercing and secures in the back.

Best Occasion to Wear Them

Due to the elegance of chandelier earrings, they are best worn to formal or semi-formal events, such as upscale restaurants, Broadway musicals, classical theater, evening cruises, or holiday events.

Outfit that Match

Formal events often call for a dressy cocktail dress or floor-length gown. Pull your hair back in a sophisticated updo and slide on your best strappy peep-toe heels.

chandelier earrings

Tips for Sensitive Ears

Figuring out how to style earrings is just the first step. Many women wonder, “what earrings can I wear with sensitive ears?” Generally, the best earrings for sensitive ears are made with silver, gold, or platinum.

Avoid Wearing Heavy Earrings for a Long Period of Time

Learning how to wear heavy earrings when you experience sensitivity can be challenging. Ideally, you should avoid wearing heavy earrings for extended periods of time to prevent irritating your ears.

Try Fake Earrings

So, what type of earrings should I wear? If you suffer from allergies to certain metals, consider switching to fake earrings. Fake earrings are often made using hypoallergenic materials that are less likely to cause irritation.

How to Wear Earrings with Style

At Beyond the Rack (BTR), you’ll discover a wide assortment of beautiful earrings that are both stylish and high-quality. From our collection of Ear Candy to our stunning Callura products, you’re sure to find a pair of earrings that reflect your personal style. Shop BTR for the hottest jewelry from designer brands.